Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Online Strategies To Get Your MLM Business out of “Lead Poverty” in an Economy Like This

Could you please tell me why 97% of Home Based Business owners are struggling? They are searching for the Online Strategies thinking it's a mystery or some big MLM secret, when really it's just about knowledge. The statistics are shocking, on average an MLM business owner makes $40 per month! In your average MLM company that doesn't even cover the product or service. We must be a product of the product, you know? Imagine going into a restaurant and when ordering you ask your server, "What's your favorite dish?" and their response was, "Not sure, haven't tried anything." Makes no sense right? So why do some H.B.O. (Home business owners) think they can serve the public when they're not even purchasing for their own consumption?In the beginning of our MLM career we did what we were told and had some success, but no where near the walk away money that everyone likes to talk about. We were doing prospecting calls, the 3 feet rule, home parties, newspaper ads, been there, done that, bought the leads. We would go as far as visiting random grocery stores with generic one liners, "Are you willing to look outside of your current job?" "Would a passive residual income be something you would look at?" The truth of the matter is, for 95% of us the Old School MLM strategies do not work.. They do work for some, and some get lucky. But for the other 97% we go elsewhere. Several give up, the determined go online.. Isn't that the reason you are reading this article? You want to find the strategies to explode your MLM business online.What really altered our thought process was directly told to us by Mr. Norbert Orlewicz. "Why not target other Network Marketers online?" Most of our day was used up by pestering friends, family, or strangers that have no previous track record of marketing or owning their own business. A lot of people in MLM have the passion, and they're experienced in the business, they just lack the right strategies and training. You avoid all those lovely objections about Pyramids and such, because there is a previous belief in the MLM business model. This initial concept exploded our MLM opportunity online.Over 980,000 individuals log on to the Internet every single day looking for or getting info on an Internet Business or a Home based Business. Not to mention the vast amount of distributors already working with an MLM business. Rather than hunting friends and family, stop and modify your strategies and start looking at fellow Networkers online.You are probably wondering, if there are millions Iphone 4s Car Kits of individuals out there… how can I tap into that?Right off the bat, you shouldn't. They find you!How, you ask? Plug into the strategies of the best online marketers. Attraction Marketing, or as Layla and I like to call it… our ATM. Now you are targeting a specific group of people with experience in MLM, so you know they have the same problem of not enough traffic and leads.It starts by branding you as the leader and giving them the strategies necessary to be successful in their MLM career. By initially starting a relationship with a company, there will be no success. That might be harsh, but the truth hurts sometimes. What makes you think a frusterated MLM marketer wants an addition dilemma (Your Company) if their existing efforts are failing? Truth? The only things Motorcycle Helmet they need are answers and that's where you come in. The #1 Recruiters all use Self Promoting Sales Funnels. You must promote a "Problem Solver in a Box." Locate a proven system, get access to the most cutting edge marketing strategies online, and watch your business skyrocket.

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