Wednesday, December 21, 2011

How To Utilise Your PLR Articles Effectively

Private label right (PLR) articles are a great source for quality content. PLR articles would make you a lot of money if you know how to use them correctly. Here are number of ways on how to utilize your PLR articles effectively1) Respin and Motorcycle Goggles post them to high PR article directories, with a link to your website in the resource box at the bottom. This will give link popularity to your site, as such raising your search engine ranking and sending you more targeted visitors. Another benefit of posting articles to article directories is that the number of quality one-way back link would also be increased effortlessly If other sites pick up your articles and publish them. 2) Respin and submit them to other people's newsletters with a link to your site or newsletter in the resource box. 3) Use them in an auto responder course. You could provide quality content for the course whilst introducing few affiliate links accordingly. This will help you to make more affiliates income. 4) Compile the articles into reports and give them away as an incentive to entice readers to stay in your newsletter list. 5) Create reports to attract people to sign up for your opt in list. Most of the online marketers would say that “the money is in the list”, so start to grow light bulbs yours now if you haven’t not started yet. 6) Use the articles to compile an eBook and sell it with premium. 7) Publish them to your websites- either they are niche sites or portals – so that it would increase free search engine traffic and help you to boost your AdSense/Affiliate revenue.8) Publish them to your blog to attract free search engine traffic. 9) Introducing new key phrases and synonyms in the articles in accordance with SEO criteria based on findings from your keyword research. 10) Some smart internet marketers would add the PLR articles to their junk auto-generated directories to avoid the sites from being left out by Googlebot. PLR articles have given a great alternative to those who find writing articles too taxing on them as well as do not have time nor the skills to do their articles for themselves.

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